#genshin sagau | water-to-drink (2024)

Memories of a Flower

(Summary): After deciding that learning the original 7 seven elements first would make learning abyssal magic more easier you and company run into a fit of a road block

Part 1 Last Part Next Part

✧ Masterlist ✧

(Characters): traveler!Lumine, abyss prince!Aether, Paimon, the Aranaras, ???, & ???

(Warnings): Cursing, spoilers for the last part of the Sumeru archon quest, and talks about bumping uglies at the very end (so a bit NSFW-ish?)

(A/n): Apologies if the Sanskrit is a bit inaccurate, couldn’t find many accurate translators. And yes from now on these parts will have their own titles

∘◦ ✧ ◦∘ means flashback

Italics means present reader’s thoughts

(S/n) = song name

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You didn’t think walking through Sumeru would be nerve wracking, though one of the abyss lectors casted a spell to hide your divine presence and you have the twins escorting you. However the possibility of being found still scared you

“How much longer until we reach it? Walking through here is very different than from what I’m used to.” You comment trying to get your mind on something else

“We’re getting close, you can tell us if you want to stop you don’t have to push yourself.” Lumine said

“Ugh! Why did you teleport us so far from the statue of the seven?” Paimon groaned

“Because, the energy they emit mess with abyssal magic and I don’t want to put their Grace in any more danger than need be.” Aether informed. “And besides, you float so you shouldn’t be that tired.”

The little fairy was so angry that she couldn’t form any retort and settled for huffing and puffing

The same floating companion was the one to bring a suggestion to you. Try to do what Lumine did and resonate with the element (aka touching a statue of the seven), considering that Nahida is the weakest of the seven and from the intel you got from some abyss mages saying that she was seen in Liyue, you all decided it’s best to try dendro first

“I think I see the glow from the statue.” You pointed at the familiar blue light

You and the twins begin to run towards the statue until you were at around arms length. Being so close to the statue of the dendro god looked so much more beautiful in person

“Go ahead, see if you can resonate with dendro like Lumine!” Paimon said in anticipation

You closed your eyes and reached to touch the statue. All you felt was the cold stone and not some power coursing through you

“Uhh Lu, what did you feel when you first resonated with Dendro?” You asked

“If you instantly don’t feel a difference than you didn’t resonate the element.” Aether explained

“Damn, really?”

“Well what do we do know? Do we try another element?” Paimon questioned

“I don’t think we’re at a total lost. We’re in Vanarana, right?”

“You mean go to the Aranaras?!” Aether asked

“Yes, what’s wrong with that?”

“Nothing, I would assume that you would go somewhere else…”

“They are connected with nature and since touching one of the statues didn’t work, we don’t have many options.”

“I think it’s a good idea, they already know me and Paimon” Lumine said as she pulled out her vintage lyre

The traveler began to play the familiar tune you played when the screen divided you from Teyvat. As she played your surroundings slowly got more colorful and dreamlike

Completely in the land of dreams you looked around to see a sole Aranara hiding behind a rock. You awkwardly waved

“Visha has come back!” The Aranara cheered

Multiple Aranaras surround you and your companions


“Great Visha, you’ve returned!”

“Visha’s been away for so long!”

“We’ve been so lonely!”

“Visha, try my soup, I made it for you!”

“Come down, (y/n) or ‘Visha’ can’t understand if you all talk to them at the same time.” Lumine said

Once the Aranaras heard Lumine they moved a couple step back from you and looked very sorry which crushed your heart

“I’ll listen to each and every one of you guys when we’ve dealt with the situation!” You tried to explain

“‘Situation?’ What is happening?”

“There’s this really bad person impersonating the Creator and they’re trying to hunt their Grace down.” Paimon told

The Aranaras looked fearful and confused, trying to understand why would someone try to hurt the Creator

“The Lord of Verdure, told me about this. The great Avatar of Marana, had deceived Nara and other lords are under the control of them.” The distinct voice of the village chief, Araja spoke.

“If Visha needs protection, then Arabalika will protect them!” The fluffy gree Aranara shouted holding up his stick

“Thank you, but I have Lumine and Aether. And you have to stay here and protect Vanarana.” You reassured

“Even though Visha has Nara Varuna and Nara Lumine, it’s too dangerous in the Nara world. Please stay in Vanarana.”

“I want to but I can’t put you all in danger.” You informed as you kneeled down. “The only reason we’re here because Kusanali is in Liyue. I don’t know what would happen if she sensed that we were here.”

The Aranaras looked sad yet completely understood where you’re coming from

“But we want to help Visha, is there anything we can provide help for?” An Aranara pleaded

“You can, ‘Visha’ couldn’t resonate with dendro. Is there a way for them to connect with it?” Lumine explained

“Maybe try the Tree of Dreams!” Another suggested

“Yes! The Tree of Dreams was made with power from the forest!”

“Oh Paimon didn’t think of that, let’s go.”

You followed the group of Aranaras through a cave that lead you to the tree

In its dream state it looked like it was something you would only see in a dream or behind a screen, never stand in front of it and take in its sight with own your eyes in your waking state.

“If Visha joins with the tree, then they’ll get the powers of the forest.”

You nervously reached out and set you palms on the bark

The sensations you felt, the texture of your clothes, the ache in your feet from walking so much, the anxiety you felt moments ago all disappeared. It felt as if your soul separated from your physical body

And everything felt wrong

It felt like the energy was trying to enter but, your body was rejecting the power and it hurts. You felt as if your body was being torn apart from the inside. You wanted to move away from the tree, but your muscles tensed so much it made it impossible for you to move

Suddenly your body is jolted away from the tree and hit against someone. The person you’re slumped against laid you down and rested your head on their legs




“Yo.r gr..e?”

“Your Grace?!”

“Your Grace, are you alright?”

Fully coming back to reality you saw golden orbs looking into yours

“Lumine…? I- what happened…?”

“I don’t know, it looked like something was wrong and you weren’t responding when we called you.” Lumine explained you

“This is exactly what I afraid of.” Aether whispered under his breath. “It appears that your body is too weak to handle elemental energy in its rawest form. I should have known.”

“Don’t blame yourself, you won’t have known. And I’m more resilient than I look…” You said in between breaths

“But Paimon doesn’t get it, if (y/n) has a connection with Tevyat itself then why can’t they get the powers within it?”

“If Visha can’t be one with world, then what do we do?” An Aranara quivered

“I may have an idea.” Araja spoke

The group parted to reveal Araja holding up a flower

“This flower has been with Aranaras long before Marana appeared. This once was yours and contains old memories.”

Araja held out a gladiolus in his tiny hand or nub? The flower was almost half the size of the chief. On closer inspection you noticed that one of the petals is missing

You weakly reached out and touched the stem. A sense of relief instantly washed over you. All the fatigue and pain in your body disappeared as you found yourself floating in a sky full of stars

The sight of the sky though beautiful and dreamlike gave you a sense of melancholy. The colors slowly morphed into something that’s difficult to describe.

You closed your eyes and upon opening them back up, you noticed the scene had changed into something a person can understand. You saw hands holding flowers of different species. You viewed the scene in a first person perspective, the closest comparison is like watching something in virtual reality but it feels more natural

You continued to watch the hands braid 3 flowers together and you realized those hands belong to you. The same length of the fingers, the same lines on the inside of your palms, all the same.

Unsure of what to do you continued to watch your hands elegantly weave the stems of flowers to form a crown. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a little Aranara watching you intently, waiting patiently for you to finish

“I can never make my flower crowns like that, what do you do so the stems don’t break?” A disembodied voice questioned

“It might look hard, but you have to remember to weave them as if each flower is special on its own and just as special when it’s in a group. This way your crowns will come out like this!” You said as you held up your crown to a woman wearing a white flowy dress and white hair making her slightly tanned skin pop out in contrast, you instantly knew who this woman was

Lord Rukkhadevata?!

You gracefully put the little Aranara’s head and it started to dance around happily

“I can make one for you.”

“Really? That would mean so much to me, your Grace.”

You began to make another flower crown with the same elegance and dexterity you used when making the first one. Once finished you place it on Rukkhadevata’s head, she flashed a bright smile full of gratitude and adoration

“Thank you, your Grace. I love it!”

“I’m glad you like it, Marbas.” You said

“Marbas” is that Rukkhadevata’s archon name?

Words came out of Rukkhadevata’s mouth but you couldn’t hear them, the scene slowly faded out and you found yourself back in Vanarana

“(Y/n)! (Y/n), please wake up.” You heard Paimon urged

“Your Grace are you okay, you’re crying.” Lumine pointed out

You sat up and brought your hand to your face. Your fingers made contact with tears you didn’t know had, you wiped them with your sleeve

“Are you alright, did you see anything upsetting?” Aether kneeled down and offered his hand

“I’m fine, I just saw something that I wasn’t expecting.” You said as you took the blond’s hand and he helped you up

“I think it would be best to go back and form another plan.” Aether suggested

“That sounds good, but before that.” You turned to the Aranaras. “Let me make some crowns for these little guys!”

The crowd of Aranaras cheered and some even went to get as many flowers as they can

“Paimon wants a crown!”

“I’ll make you a crown, don’t worry.”

“Yay, Paimon’s getting a crown!” She excitedly kicked her feet

Some of the Aranaras came back and gave you some flowers they were saving for a special occasion

You sat down and began making some flower crowns. The little Aranaras sat in a circle, some even tippy toeing to get a better look at your handiwork. All watching in anticipation and fascination

The abyss prince raked in your form. Though you didn’t possess a fraction of your powers, you still radiated the benevolence and compassion that is described in all text mentioning you. Aether had to turn away so to not show the expression he would characterize as unbecoming of him

When he opened his eyes, he saw Lumine hugging a couple of Aranaras

“Really Lumine? Shouldn’t you show a bit more restraint?”

“Shut up Ae. You should probably take that stick out your ass and play with these little guys.”

“Don’t curse in front of the Creator, what the hell is wrong with you?! Your Grace, I’m sorry my sister is stupid-” Aether turned towards you and saw you hugging several more Aranaras, some were hugging your legs and one on top of your head

“What was that Aether?” You just noticed his gaze

“No-nothing, your Grace.” He said turning his face away you to hide the pink on his face

“Hey Aether!” You called out

“Yes your Grac-” He was interrupted by you putting a flower crown on his head

“Here, so you don’t feel left out.”

It took awhile for the abyss prince to process what just happened, but when he did a smile creeped up on his face. He hid his face with his scarf in embarrassment, yet you saw how red the tips of his ears were

“Th-thank you, your Grace!” He said trying to not fumble on his words

After a few hours of playing with the Aranaras, which felt like minutes to you. The sun started to set and you, the twins, and Paimon bid farewell to the Aranaras. All of whom were sad to watch you leave, but still gave their goodbyes

Before Lumine pulled out her vintage lyre you stopped her telling her there was something you had to do before leaving. You picked up flowers and the roundest rocks you can find and walked to a spot you thought was perfect

You knelt down and began, the twins only watched you unsure what to do

“(Y/n) hurry up back there, Paimon’s getting hungry!”

“If you keep eating like that an old witch is going to take you in her candy house and cook you in her oven to eat you.” You said as you stuck your tongue out

“You’re just trying to scare Paimon out of loving food and a witch like that doesn’t exist!” The little fairy clutched onto Aether’s arm. “Right?” She whispered to the blond who only shrugged

Lumine walked over to you and saw you arranging stones in a particular pattern, a flower crown sat beside you

“I saw Lord Rukkhadevata.”

“Greater Lord Rukkhadevata? But you shouldn’t know anything about her after she purged from Irminsul!” Lumine said

“I don’t know why I saw her, it be because I’m not from Tevyat like you, but why wasn’t the flower affected too? Ugh! Everything is so confusing.”

Lumine looked at the little memorial you’re making

“And is this for her?”

“Yeah, I just wanted to make some physical proof that she existed.” You said as you placed the flower crown on the site. “But if you exist in at least one person’s memory, then you aren’t truly gone. That’s what I always thought.” You smiled as you stood up and looked at Lumine

“I’ve never thought of it that way, your Grace.”

“You can drop the whole ‘your Grace’ title, we’re friends after all.”

“Uh. Yes! Sorry (y/n)”

You and Lumine return to Aether who is trying his best to comfort Paimon who is still shaking and holding onto his arm.

“Your Grace, there you are, please tell Paimon that your warning isn’t true.” Aether pleaded

“For the most part I don’t think so. It’s just a fairytale to warn kids not to go out into the woods.” You explained as Lumine took out her lyre and began playing the tune

“That makes sense. It’s crazy for a witch make her house out of candy, that doesn’t sound structurally safe.” Lumine said you were all transported out of the dreamworld

“I don’t know, maybe the same reason why a man who comes to you while you’re sleeping put sand in your eye that makes them fall out.”

“Ahhh! That’s even worse!” Paimon cried

“Your Grace?!” A voice brought you three out of your conversation

Lumine stepped in front of you as Aether summoned his sword

“Whoa! Calm down it’s just me, comrade!” A familiar ginger yelled

“Childe? What are you doing here?!” Paimon screeched

“I was given orders on behalf of the Tsarita to find their Grace and bring them to safety, I’m glad I found you before a band of Eremites I ran into on the way here

“Why should we even trust you?” Lumine said while she put her hands on her hips

“Yeaahhh… You don’t have the best of track records.” Paimon added

“Why, I’m hurt. I thought we were friends!”

“Me kicking your ass very week doesn’t count as friendship.”

“Whatever you might say, I know that’s our Creator you’re with!”

“Oh yeah prove it.” Paimon said

“Their Grace’s favorite song is (s/n) and they call me ‘homicidal Ed Sheeran!’”





“Oh sh*t… he’s serious guys.” You said as a grimace appeared on your face

“I knew you’d know I’m genuine!” Childe chimed as he opened his arms to hug you but was stopped when Aether stepped in from you and pointed his sword at the taller man.“Who is this?” Childe turned towards the Lumine

“This is Aether, Lumine’s twin brother!” You clarified

“So this is the brother you were looking for, where did you find him?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“Be nice, Aether!” You murmured as you pushed the blade away from Childe’s neck

“If you are telling the truth what use could you be to us?” The prince spat

“The Tsarita’s wants their Grace to be in safe hands and with the situation out here, it’s best to have them in Snezhnaya.”

“We don’t need the help of the fatui.”

Aether was about to usher you away from Childe until he heard what Childe said

“Their Grace couldn’t connect to elemental energy, is what I’m assuming you just figured out.”

Aether turned around and gave Childe a scowl

“Their Grace needs to gain their old strength back so they can properly connect with them.”

“And how are you planning on doing that?” Aether interrogated

“There are these stones that are linked with their Grace! Their called Primogems!”

“You know about Primogems?” You asked

“Yes! We’ve been studying them for a long time!” Childe responded

“Primogem? I think I know what you’re talking about!” The little fairy mused

“Yeah, there are times I heard you mention them.” Lumine recalled

∘◦ ✧ ◦∘

After slaying the last hilichurl Lumine walked towards the now unlocked chest to open it

“Is this an answer from this-”

“f*cking 5 primogems?! You gotta be f*cking me up the ass with this bullsh*t!!!”

Lumine and her party members were left stunned as you continued your barrage of profanities

∘◦ ✧ ◦∘

“Y’all could hear me…?” You asked mortified

“Only when you use us as vessels.” Lumine clarified

“Now that we know what I’m talking about, I want to take you to meet their majesty as soon as possible. Would you accept, your Grace?”

“I’m sorry it’s just too much to take in. I though people here don’t know of their existence.”

“Well they’re rare so it’s expected that not a lot of people don’t know about them.” Aether said

“He’s right, and it only because of the Tsarita finding one is that we know of them.”

“But aren’t primogems are supposedly the remains of dead universes.”

“They are said to be that, but they’re also said to be the remains of the primordial god.” Childe added

“The primordial god?”

“The Creator is the original god of Tevyat and it is said that when they passed rocks that resemble stars shot out of their body.” The harbinger said

“I remember Zhongli mentioning something like this. When the god of salt died, they turned their followers into pillars of salt.” You recalled

“So will you let me accompany you to meet her majesty?”

“Sure, it’s not like we got anything else planned.”

“But your Grace-”

You drag Aether out of earshot from Childe and leaned into the blond so he can only hear you

“Relax Aether, his plan might work and if things get out of hand you can open a portal and get us out of there.”

“If that’s your judgment, then I won’t hold it against you.”

You smile at the male twin and turn back to Childe

“We’re going!”

“I’m happy you’re taking my offer! I’ll arrange for a boat to sail tomorrow, the sooner you’re in Snezhnaya the sooner you’ll be out of harm. In the meantime, let me take you where I’m staying, it’s far from any known settlements so you’ll be safe.” The ginger reassured

“Thank you that makes me feel better.”

“It’s nothing, your Grace.”

Childe began to lead you to where he’s staying, oddly enough the twins and even Paimon stayed behind. You shrugged it off thinking they watching out for any surprise attack from behind

“Your Grace, mind if I ask you something?” The harbinger’s voice brought you out of your head

“Sure, what is it?”

“When you use me as a vessel, I would hear some songs. Some of them describing pain and I want to know if that was what you were feeling.”

“Don’t worry, there just songs and don’t mean anything.”

“Really, even the song about wanting to have sex all night?”

“Yes!! Doesn’t mean anything!”

“Well, if you’re ever down for it. I definitely have the stamina for-”

“Oh my god! Stop!!” You yelled as you cover his mouth with your hands

It’s going to be a long trip to Snezhnaya

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#genshin sagau | water-to-drink (2024)
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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

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Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.