How Be a Good Omega - Chapter 1 - tesacolagillettee (2024)

Chapter Text

It's the worst day of his life, yes, be there, sit down, waiting with his father that the door of the office where they were would open for the doctor to get out, he can't escape, and he really wanted to do it

After five minutes, where he ruined his long hair a little, the doctor finally opens the door showing himself together with a patient, Will knew that his hell was about to start

"Doctor Lecter."

"Mr. Graham, how are things going?"

Will stood behind his father in centimeters, away from the conversation they have, he kept his eyes on some part of the floor showing the best expression of boredom he has ever shown.

His father was betraying him, he was preparing him to sell him and throw him on the market so that some alpha takes him as his whor* and misfortunes his life.

Will knows that being born as an omega was the worst thing in life, many told him that he should be thankful that he was an omega born in money, many omegas wanted to have that, a reality not as horrible as any common omega born on earth.

And Will understood, but that didn't take away the fact that what united him to the rest of Omega regardless of social class, is that they were in a totalitarian regime and in which everyone, absolutely everyone, must marry, because that is what the system dictates, and no one is saved.

Will was a "blessed" omega, not only for the fact of being born with money, but also for being born in the family that touched him; Will can hate his dad at the time for taking him to indoctrinate to be an alpha's whor*, but his family was good with him, compared to any other wealthy family.

They taught him to make an independent and ambitious omega, perhaps right now his father curses himself for having put him to study and not raising him to be a family omega but it was already late, seventeen years late.

But his mother is not, she was the one who allowed Will to have another mentality, she was the one who prompted him to be the way he is, even when she's an alpha.

Will was pretty grateful to that, that's why he loves her and knows that he won't find an alpha as perfect as she is.

Every family of money raises his omegas to be a pregnant person for some alpha, it was necessary for the increase of his assets, but his parents raised him and his five alpha brothers a little differently.

Will was aware that he should marry, and in a way he didn't bother him, but he wanted to work, he didn't want to be at home taking care of children, not yet

But he had his time counted, his parents didn't pressure him to marry at fifteen, as the vast majority of omegas of money do, for the study, and Will was very happy about it.

Now it was his duty to do his duty before the time is up, because an omega after twenty-three years old is useless and will be left alone all his life, even when the fertility stage remains latent until he is 35, so was the system ALPHIST.

Will wasn't afraid of loneliness, the problem is that he was born into a family of money and needs to grow his assets, just as his brothers did when they married their omegas.

Will couldn't be left alone, he has no assets and will never inherit, the Omega is not entitled to any economic management.

The Omega has no right to anything.

If his parents die, Will will be left with nothing since everything will be left for his brothers, and they may never give him anything, leaving him on the street, no one wants to carry an omega without a road.

Omegas need an alpha to be under their guard and be able to go on as the system dictates, and Will urgently needs to learn how to be a good omega for an alpha if he wants to continue living.

Will was on his first appointment, it was after his classes so he needed to arrive at a good time, or well, that's what his father told him, he arrived ten minutes after time, even when he could arrive at the corresponding time.

"Good afternoon, Will."

The doctor's call made him out of his thoughts and looked up to see him, the man didn't take twenty seconds to open the door, Will didn't look him in the eye, he looked down his shoulders looking at the typical Fancy clothing he wore.

"Please come in." The doctor didn't take long to give him the invitation, knowing that he wouldn't answer him.

Will looked at the office, even though it wasn't his first time, he kept studying it, knowing the essence of the alpha.

"Please, sit down where do you wish, this will be fluid."

"Is it fluid to teach me how to f*ck a alpha?, woah, so friendly." Will responded without stopping his words, he didn't regret doing it either.

Hannibal knew what type of personality the younger man had when he met him, he wasn't impressed by the words without filters

"Pre-marital therapy, doesn't go into intimacy, Will."

"Don't go into carnal intimacy but it does go into the brain and nature of the individual, being the same, even worse since it's the manipulation of the being as evolutionary." replied, so direct and cultured

Hannibal smiled, it's a pretty wise answer for a boy of seventeen, still, wasn't something that got him out of his position.

"I would rather use the term persuasion than manipulation." corrected

Will squeezed his throat with a hard laugh. "It's a more effective tool than manipulation, quite clever." Accept without expression

Will walked to the cabinet where there were several monuments, Hannibal smiled, the young man just flattered him

"The Omega both the alpha come with a marked evolution, no one can change their nature, they all fall into instinct and I only use persuasion to give them the curious freedom they try to suppress."

"The freedom of the alpha in being wild and the freedom of the omega in being a whor*."

Will turned his head in the direction of Hannibal looking at him from the shoulder, giving a straight smile.

"A very hard job to do, if you ask me." said ironically, a rather subtle one and saw the monuments again.

Hannibal smiled again, slightly taller than the first, the divinity of expressing himself and knowing how to use body language even though he is a fairly limited person, causes him slight fascination.

"The freedom of the alpha to be protector and the freedom of the omega to be protected," he corrected as he walked to the sofa. "The way of reasoning from your position is quite striking, why do you think your gender falls into that limiting term?

Will sighed tiredly and turned to see the man's shoulder. "I don't know, but you can't comment from your position, being someone oblivious to the problems of my gender."

"I haven't said that I minimized the ills that omegas go through in a system made by alpha, but the term derogatory creates that the limitations that omegas have, intensifies more."

Will shake his lips slightly. "It's what's doctor, it's what's in this world." He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't think your therapy is talking about my perspective as an omega in this world, do you?" He framed an eyebrow

"That's included too." accepted. "Any type of low is important to point out to improve them so that I can improve yourself so that you accept who you are." he laughed dryly. "Do you try get out my thoughtful that in my position as a omega I shouldn't be service with a alpha." Hannibal made a gesture of acceptance. "So, what do you teach?, the right thing is to teach me how to bear what I will live and what I will find along the way"

"The right thing is to teach you to know what is your role is as omega, the right and duties you have, and that your alfa will do and must do for you, Will." clarified

Will didn't flinch in hiding his laugh and running his hand through his hair

"Doctor Lecter, do you think we're in a 'stop suffering' group?" Hannibal frowned slightly in confusion, Will refused to keep his laugh, this time harshly and began to walk. "You have to be realistic, I'm here to be indoctrinated and submissive for my next alpha, I'm not an eight-year-old who has to fix his pathetic future that he will have with beautiful terms and wonderful teaching." he pointed out

"Do you think your alpha will be a savage, Will?"

"Do you think I should be here, Dr. Lecter?"

"You say that because an omega can't be alone with a alpha?" he laughed. "You're turning to places that have no roads, and you know it very well,” he pointed out.

Hannibal shook his head slightly and placed an intriguing gesture

The Omega was not building a wall for him to break with fantasy words that he used to make, the Omega was aware and mature of everything that existed, rather, of the pathetic morality that was instilled in both castes. The young man knew itas knows all that beautiful hair he has

Will didn't want beautiful words or encouragement for his next life, Will only wanted the thesis of everything he had to do to create his human suit and always wear it for the alpha he will have as a couple.

A spark of curiosity began to emerge inside Hannibal for the Omega.

Another day of appointment came, Will had to see him three times a week for two hours, it was a somewhat rigorous schedule thanks to his father but it was something he couldn't change, even when he wanted to

In those weeks that he has visited Dr. Lecter, there was not much to learn, the man used to talk about unimportant issues, lengthening the visits more, bothering him.

From the day one Will wanted to get out of that nonsense as quickly as possible and had let him know several times, but to his bad luck, the man ignored him, bringing out unnecessary issues with every comment he made.

Will was upset, it was as if the man wanted to extend the encounter when it was totally unnecessary, at first he had thought it was because he wanted the money his mother paid for therapy, but every time he passed, the man showed his intrigue towards him, wishing to dig his mind like a f*cking animal. Hewas beginning to hate the man.

It shouldn't surprise him, it was what he hated about psychologists, they were so banal for his excitements of curiosity.

It wasn't the first time that he had treated with a psychologist, at fifteen he had to see the worst of the field, a psychologist with zero ethical and quite wild with his curiosity, beginning to evade him, to shamelessly inquire in his head, wishing to open it like the f*cking sick that he was. Psychologists are nasty people who deserve to die.

Of course, Hannibal was different, he wasn't obvious, he had more class to do his misdeeds, as his clothes show, the man was both mentally and physically classed.

Will confirmed that the doctor was very good with persuasion, using it at any moment of life, even though Will learned his techniques and can identify half of them, the other was difficult for him, Hannibal was excellent in his profession, he knew how to take him to induce him where he wanted, and although Will kept attentive in his movements, the times he fell, he fell quite deep.

"Extending the therapy won't be you a better doctor, you know?"

"Are you anxious to looking for your alpha?"

"Be that as it may, that has an established date, it is something that cannot be changed."

"It can be changed if I give a denial in your advance, Will,"

Will smiled, "Does he want to disgrace my life, Dr. Lecter?" He said with light fun.

"I want to instruct you well to the world you will enter," he clarified

"Try to instruct me, but it doesn't stop lengthening the drama with unnecessary themes," he pointed out. "What an efficacy,” he said with an ironic mockery, showing the doctor his incompetence.

Hannibal only bowed his head to the comment but did not comment, since he met Will he knows how rude he can be, without caring about creating enemies in his path.

Hannibal hates people to rude people, too much, but with Will for some stranger reason was forgivable, even, it was flattering to witness.

Since when does an omega leave you insignificant?

"If you feel that I am being evative with the main theme, I apologize, what if we don't start with therapy?"

Will moved a little from his seat, it was a miracle to find him sitting down

"Anything you want from your alpha, Will?"

"Let him be distant"

Hannibal framed an eyebrow, "Distant?"

"When we get married, I wish that we are both on our way, not be hypocritical and that each one follows his routine," Hannibal nodded in understanding. "Just unite when I'm in heat or when he's in heat." He shrugged, "the only thing in common will our puppies."

"Do you want a cold alpha?"

"I want a realistic alpha," he corrected, "to accept that the relationship started out of interest and without sustainability. I wish an alpha that leaves my path in peace so that I do what I wanted, instead, I will father your puppies and take care of them as much as the work I should do with him as a husband,” he explained.

Hannibal put his head on his hand, looking carefully at Will, on impulse, stroked his lips slightly with his finger.

That proposal felt it for him, knowing that it was only his imaginary head, but he was the only alpha of the room, right? I could take it without problems

And You won't deny that the deal is looking attractive to you

"Tell me, Mr. Graham." Will shake his head. "Don't you believe in love?"

"Love is a simple mechanism necessary for the procreation and the proliferation of any living being on this planet, each animal feels attraction, making it romantic, we gave it a more philosophical and harmonious meaning so as not to show how instinctive we are, to deny our Instinct and differentiate ourselves from animals just because we are thinking." he pointed out, Hannibal looked at every inch of his face. "Yes, I do believe in love,” accepted and Hannibal nodded. "But I'm aware that in that type of relationship something as banal and essential as that will never be born."


laughs, "Because the alpha I'll be with will be a typical alpha, and that causes me more annoyance than love,” his gaze turned away some part of the office.

Hannibal smiled softly. "Don't you think you're being very rude?"

"I think I'm being the most realistic and conformist about the situation," he looked back at the doctor's address, looking at his neck. "Because if I really took it as I wished, in the new home I will do, one of the two will be dead." he assured without caring if those words could be used as retaliation.

Hannibal raised one of his corners, on the outside he can show a simple smile, but inside he was more than amazed. Will was someone made to measure

A month of therapy was about to be completed and nothing had changed, everything remained in the typical course, being so boring and desperate for the omega, and magnificent and obsessive for the alpha

"Are you a high-caste omega, Will?"

"It's information accessible to anyone, in fact, it's my forte, thanks to this I have more chances of having a high heritage alpha." He shrugged his shoulders.

"High-caste omegas tend to gestate twins at least every pregnancy," Will winced, Hannibal couldn't help but smile. "It's a fairly acclaimed demand."

"It's a pretty shiny curse. The few high-caste omegas that exist are the most expensive and acclaimed whor* in society, which is why illegal trafficking."

"But you were born into a wealthy family, you didn't have to go through the sacrileges of the common people."

Will laughed and lay down on the sofa, "There is no difference between the classes, we are all sold to the one who gives the most for our uterus,” he shrunk the shoulders

"Do you think that will happen with you?"

"Why would I be different?"

"Your parents love you very much, being a huge happiness compared to the opportunity of the omegas who don't have it, an omega is disowned in their own family for being a burden, but you have the blessing of having their affection, even when your father is hard on you, he really loves you."

"I know"

"He's a man who, being omega, is quite dominant, being a strange case."

"Was where I came from." he said obviously

Hannibal smiled as confirmation, "Your parents could give you control of taking your alpha"

laughs, "No, I don't think so. We are only rich, and now the situation is quite tense, is a miracle that my mother is paying for your therapy, just for despair, so that I have the opportunity to have someone high level."

"Which is being reflected." Will looked at him under his chin. "I suppose you should know the candidates who are signing up."

Will winced with his lips and looked away, "I prefer to stay ignorant before entering in a state of agony."

Hannibal raised his corners high, "I understand, and if you allows me to give you some advance," Will looked at him again in the same place, "your candidates are people of a millionaire class."

"Oh wow, that moves me so much." he sounded with all the coldness in the world. "I guess my father told him, right?"

"Mhjm, it could be like that," Hannibal said, looking at his hand.

It was false what he said, he himself inquired who the candidates were, he even knew others that were considering participating in being unknown to Will's father. In the world of social class, nothing escaped

"Doesn't matter." Will ran his hand in his long hair throwing it back, "my father must be very happy that it is being good merchandise for the market, even though at my age I should have already had my first pup."

"And it is," he assured, "your father is comfortable that his son overcame him and that he will be able to keep his future generations without problems."

Will clicked his tongue and rested his hand on the chair's hand to caress his lips showing a gesture in disappointment and indifference.

Hannibal had learned a lot about the young man's expressions, Will was someone very demonstrative, the least he wanted to do was hide his emotions and Hannibal thanked that Mr. Graham had located him than any other psychologist

Hannibal deserved Will

Hannibal got up from the sofa and caught the omega's gaze, Will's eyes were quite attractive, rather, Will was attractive in all existing areas

It was common for an omega to be beautiful, that was part of the evolution, attract the alpha with your beauty to be protected

But Will didn't have any beauty, Will wasn't common, Will was personally molded by God, whitish skin, perfectly carved without any imperfection.

Silky shoulder length hair, who was a habit of caressing and wagging a little at his glass, being naturally curly, there were days when his patterns were obvious, being as rebellious as the owner, refusing to be stretched out, therefore, Hannibal was too curious to see Will with his natural hair.

He had a perfect definition of his face, noticing as masculine as it was delicate, eyelashes that adorned those colors carnivals that are difficult to deduce, being of minimal importance since it gave him the dawn of being protected and loved until the end of his days.

Will was a fallen angel to the land that needed to be venerated

"Have you ever complemented someone, young Graham?"

"If I fell in love?"

Hannibal nodded

Will looked him directly in the eye, the few times Will looked into his eyes, he made a gesture that left Hannibal slightly delirious, knowing that did it exclusively for him, and no, it's not that he's inventing like from time to time he used to do when Will does certain Actions thinking they were for him, with that not so, Will gave him a slightly mischievous look, as if he wanted to provoke him.

Hannibal wasn't unnoticed and he wasn't sure if it was normal for the young man or started doing it with him

"I have had games like any omega teenager," he commented indifferently

"Any omega can't have games, Will"

"That's what you believe."

"An omega cannot be in love games since it lends itself to bad misunderstandings."

"So you are saying that I'm not a virgin?"

"I never said that, Will."

"I suppose that is what interests the alphas, purity. And not because it's something spiritual, they just hate being compared with others and they don't want to point them out as pathetic."

"I can't refute that." he accepted

Will framed an eyebrow, "I guess it's a question you should have asked me at first, not when we are already a month away from these ridiculous things."

Hannibal walked to his desk to take some folders, he felt the eyes of other follow him

"In general, in pre-marital therapies, an examination of the omega is requested to ensure your symbolism of purity and thus be able to do a better job with the aforementioned."

"What happens if the Omega is not a virgin?"

"That's not for me, it's information that is given to parents and they will know how to act."

frowed the frown, "Do you take the exam?

"I won't deny that I've done checks," he accepted, "but that's at the comfort of the omega."

Will laughed, "Is that now I have to pull down my pants and open my legs so you can see if I'm used or not?"

"First Will, those verifications aren't done here, second, I haven't asked you for an exam."

"Why not?"

"That's in the hands of your father."

"And my father accepts my purity?"

"It's something obvious."

"I guess now not anymore since I'll tell you that I'm a promiscuous omega for playing the bride and groom, right?"

"I don't have to tell him anything if you don't want it, Will."

"But it's your obligation to let him know this important detail," he said obviously, Hannibal said nothing and walked to the nearest bookshelf to take a book. "I suppose you're going to ruin my life with this, right?, rather, I ruined it myself," he said reluctantly, turning his head to the sofa to caress his forehead, realizing his mistake late

"How will your misfortune life, Will?"

"You will tell my father this information and he's going to ask me to do the exam, and I have no doubt that it will be with you because of the blindness he has." he winced

"Are you worried?" He laughed

"Do you think I'm worried, Dr. Lecter?," he said rudely. "Do you think I fear that when you take the exams you will see my kilometers traveled?" he said ironically angrily

"I would never make you go through that great discomfort, Will."

"Oh yes?" Hannibal nodded. "How will you know that I am pure?"

"I don't need to know if you are or not," Hannibal said, sitting in the desk chair to start his writing.

"But it's necessary for therapy, right? That way you can know what my position is."

"If that were the case, I would have asked you from the beginning."

he frowned, "Why haven't he done it?"

"Because I know you're a virgin."

Will will blink in surprise, I didn't know whether to take it as an offense or...

"Why do you say I am? Are you from that group of superstitious people who believes that if an omega walks in a style it's Virgin or not?"

"I'm not, I don't believe in that either."

"Is it because of my hips?"


"For my hair?"


"Because of my smell! It's definitely that, it's more than obvious." he said in total security

"The smell doesn't change, Will."

"Well, I'm quite," he made a face. "How did you come to the conclusion that I am?"

"It's not a conclusion, it's a statement."

"Don't lie, we're seeing our faces a month ago, it's obvious that my attitude shows it, that's why I say you're superstitious."

Hannibal looked up, "I'm not at all, why don't you think it was your father who told me?

"Because I don't think it was so simple."

"There're things that are simpler than one can imagine." he returned to his writings

he laughed, "Well, look doctor, I'm sorry to tell you, but he's wrong, I'm not a virgin. How does it feel that your 'good eye' doesn't hit you this time?"

Hannibal looked up and saw his gesture of highness, "You're really curious, Will, in order not to lose one, fix the situation your way."

"I'm telling him I'm not!, you have no proof to assure that I am," he accused

"You know if I say this to your father, is he going to give you a beating?"

He shrugged, "It's time for him to know," he said indifferent

he laughed and saw his writings again, "You're a case, Will~"

"I'm telling you I'm not a virgin!"

It was another of the things that Hannibal Will liked, Will was an intelligent boy, quite reasonable and even mature in many areas, but he was still a seventeen-year-old teenager, and with that, like many actions he did, he showed his childishness

Another day by appointment, and it was not strange for Hannibal that Will arrive after the agreed time, it was the rebellion that Will always wanted to show, to bother both of them, especially his father, but this time, Will took longer than the common

Hannibal could be upset, for this reason he should have told Mr. Graham a long time ago that Will was doing this kind of foul from the first day of therapy and perhaps the man would have given him a couple of lessons, and thus he had Will in his office at the right time, but he wanted to do it his own way, that Will was born to go see him because he wanted to, not out of obligation, and soon he would make it

A little more than forty minutes the door was finally knocked on, Hannibal was able to realize that what he felt at that moment wasn't an annoyance due to the delay of the omega, was worry, Will used to come after ten minutes of the hour, almost on time, and that this time that didn't happen, it altered him

Hannibal opened the door ready to recriminate, he had reached his limit of Will's delays, and if he hadn't scolded him before, it was because from the beginning he accept that the omega did it and he couldn't do more than eat his impatience, but with this, was the limit

But when he opened the door, all that annoyed Alfa annoyance went away thanks to the gift he saw, because yes, Will's image was a blessed gift

"I know I'm coming late and I'm really sorry, Dr. Lecter, but this time it wasn't on purpose,"

While Will apologized sincerely, Hannibal inspected the boy.

Everything was different in Will, especially his hair, smooth and silky hair wasn't, instead, was replaced with a bunch of voluminous curly rebels that adorned the entire omega's face, the hair didn't reach the shoulders, they had shrugged a little creating a kind of crown, so beautiful; the clothes were also totally different from what he used to wear, but it showed another type of beauty much more incandescent

All that, made his alpha howl, impregnated

Will was more natural and pure than usual

"So the day was bad."

"Too much, to tell the truth, since the weekend my curse began." corrected

Hannibal was in his desk, collecting the mountains of work that he had suspended within fifteen minutes that Will didn't appear, Will for his part was in one of the windows of the office looking out while he caressed his hair

"Is the end of the semester being difficult for you?"

"Not really," Will gave a short look at what Hannibal was doing, "it's not something that's making my notes in danger, just my time," he explained. "That's why my hair is made a nest, I was bathing every two times for the stress and the straightening disappeared," he sighed disappointedly, "I usually do the straightening afterwards because my hair doesn't stay straight for a long time."

he smiled, "It's the same as the owner, rebellious."

There was a short silence that broke with the laughter of the omega

"I could say yes," Will accepted without discomfort. "Today I woke up late and arrived late at school, then I had to stay to fix the project with my group, I thought it wouldn't take long, but..."

"The dress you have, was it because of your delay?"

"Yes, well," he raised his shoulders, "it was something I saw at the moment, I couldn't look for something decent, and it was good that my parents weren't at home because otherwise, they wouldn't have allowed me," he laughed loosely.

"Is it your ideal way to dress?"

Will turned to see Hannibal, watching his work. "Don't worry, Doctor Lecter, I don't usually dress like that, I know how I should fix myself, so this won't harm the hunt for my alpha," he assured.

Hannibal I can't help but laugh and looked up to see him, "To tell the truth I don't see how bad dress like that."

"Don't lie, doctor."

"I'm not lying Will, the way you like to dress is more than pleasant."

He laughed dryly and looked at Hannibal's eyes. "I know your likes Doctor Lecter, and these cowboy clothes aren't something you like."

"You're a cowboy, Will."

"That live in the city and I have to dress as such."

"Will, the dress with which you feel comfortable is something that shouldn't be ashamed, it even surprises me coming from you since I have always seen you outside the imposed system."

he laughed loosely and looked at the sofa. "I don't care what people say,” he assured, “but my father doesn't accept that I dress like this and I understand."

"What do you understand?"

Will sighed and raised his shoulders in reluctance. "I've already had that kind of experience, the rejection of my likes."

he frowned, "Who rejected you?"

"Doctor lecter already knows," he looked at him, "you more than anyone know that alphas like their omegas with a specific type of clothing, for example, I must always have loose and soft clothing, straight and silky hair, attractive to the eye of anyone, that's how it works, then, when I got married, my alpha will decide the clothing that I wear."

"That's how things don't work, Will."

"That's how reality works, Doctor Lecter, and if you don't want to see it, it's your problem, although I'm sure you're aware, but you're still trying to sell me a nice fairy tale image at this stage of therapy." said bored

What Will said wasn't false, to have a partner, the ideal was to fill his eyes, try to create a false fantasy to be able to create a union and thus continue until one of the two tires or dies

"I confess that the clothing you are wearing surprised me," he began to speak, calling his gaze, "it's the first time that I see it for you, even so it suits you very well, the same thing happens with your hair. Your naturalness is attractive, Will."

"I haven't combed." he clarified

"Yet your nature is so perfect that it creates the curlys as it suits you, and that creates an unparalleled beauty, more than the imposed one," he assured

Will blinked, then looked away without avoiding showing cohibition, "To the Alphas don't like curly hair, that shows mixtures and most alphas want purity, not a guy of blue eyes with the hair away from the white ethnic group. Many have already told me, and for that, I must keep my straight hair if I want someone to look at me."

"The mixture of the race creates beauty and magnificence, and I can appreciate it much more with your existence, Will."

Will turned to look at the window again, before that, Hannibal could see the gesture of total shame, as if his words caused him more than restlessness

"Can I ask you something, Dr. Lecter?" He spoke after long seconds.

"I would be offended if you didn't,"

Will nodded. "Why don't you have a partner?"

"Is it a question that bothers you?"

"It's a question I washed to ask a long time ago," he confessed. "So yeah, intrigue me."

"I guess it's not something I'm looking for."

" What a lot of luck you have, I don't deny that I'm envious of you."

"I understand."

"If I were alpha, my life would be fixed with a single shot."

"Don't think that I haven't had certain problems with my singleness in my professional position."

"Even so, it's not something that has forced you to resort desperately to look for an omega."

"You are right, I can say that I manage my life as I want it."

"You as an alpha, don't you feel the need to have an omega by your side?"

Hannibal opened his mouth to respond, but, for the first time in the middle of his life, hesitating, outside another occasion, he would respond without any intimidation that he doesn't feel the need to have an omega, because it was true, his alpha had never claimed for it, he could even say that he was more beta that alpha since his alpha has been asleep in his entire life and it was something that never worried him, however, now there was a hesitation for some reason

"I've never had the need to have an omega by my side," he began to speak, fixing his answer before letting it go, being very strange. "I have always been more focused on my success than on the search for a family."

"Is the family not attractive to you?"

"It wasn't."

"Wasn't it?" he said surprised by the answer

"I mean that, it never was, I always concentrated on growing in purchasing power than in the paternal area, but, it's not something that abolishes." he explained, trying to remedy the error he released without even thinking about it.

"So if an omega came into your life, wouldn't you deny it?"

"Why would I do it? It's an essential part as a human being and an alpha, we are born for procreation, it's the only natural goal we have, and that doesn't evade me, it's an area that I would be willing to experience." he accepted

"Your omega will be someone quite robotic," Will said in fun

Hannibal smiled, knowing what Will was referring to, no one was oblivious to the bizarre and perfectionist who was Hannibal, he never worried about hiding it, there are even many people who understand why he's alone, no one is worthy to the great doctor Hannibal Lecter

Or well, that phrase was imposed without problems a month ago, now, things had changed a little

Another day of the appointment, and as Will usually arrives, he arrived ten minutes after the hour, he had returned to his typical monotony, straight hair up to his shoulders and Youthful clothes of any wealthy boy, even when Hannibal appreciated Will in all the existing presentations that the man could give him, he will not deny that I enjoy the time to see the naturalness of Will's curlys, because yes, Will was all last week with curly hair and Hannibal had his moment of inspiration

"This week my mother is going to have a work meeting at home, so everything needs to be in perfection." Will commented on why he returned to his straight hair, even though Hannibal didn't ask about the change.

Hannibal also thanked him.

"It will be fatigued."

"More than fatigued, my mother does it only to add more candidates, I have no proof but no doubt either," he assured.

"Soon you are going to graduate and that's where you will come of age, it's normal that they want your partner ready as soon as you turn eighteen."

Will clicked his tongue, "I don't care about the number of candidates, what bothers me is the harassment that receive."


"It's not the first time that my mother brings people to my house to work and always when I am in the area they dedicate themselves to seeking my attention, or being evasive with my privacy, that's why after food I usually lock myself in the room so they don't bother me, but this time I won't be able to do it anymore I need to sell myself.” Will stretched his legs when he sat down on the couch

Hannibal felt a bad taste in his mouth, that a couple of animals disturb the omega sick, Will doesn't deserve street compliments, he deserves art as an action for his courtship, he deserves to be magnified but in a divine way without resorting to words vulgar as any ignorant human accustomed

No alpha deadly knows how to handle an angel like Will, no one deserves Will

How Be a Good Omega - Chapter 1 - tesacolagillettee (2024)
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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.